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Atter en gang niende april

The Consumption of Links:

Links offer the potential for transformation by what they may link us to. Like publicity images, they speak of the future, even if it is a page we have already visited, because it moves us from the “present” of our present location to the “future” of the next link.


Like the wealthy patron who commissioned a painting of his possessions, we create links in order to display our wealth, and, as consumers, we (re)produce a relation between ourselves and the linked material which we and others can then consume. It doesn’t matter whether the linked material is something we created ourselves or something on another site. The desire for links-either to create them or consume them-is a desire to consume relations

125 kommentarer til “Atter en gang niende april”

  1. børge Says:

    Og jeg som trodde dette her skulle handle om krigen.. Jeg må inrømme at jeg jeg ike helt forsto koblingen mellom overskrift og innlegg her..

  2. i1277 Says:

    Tja, koblingen er nokså løs, men når man skal poste og ser at det er 9. april så er det vanskelig å dy seg.